
I am using this blog to tell everyone what I'm thinking and doing beforehand, during and after my exchange year in Finland for 2011.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Downhill skiing!!

This week I was kind of sick at the start of the week and missed two days of school, I started a really big puzzle and basically spent all of the day doing it :P I got to do a whole family Skype while they all ate dinner on Wednesday and that made me feel better, my nanna was down in Adelaide which made me a little homesick because its easy to miss nanna because she’s always lived in Melbourne but I know its going to be hard whenever she’s in Adelaide without me. I was supposed to go skiing with my school on the Thursday and I somehow convinced myself I was well enough to go and I definitely don’t regret that decision! It was a great day! I borrowed my maths teachers ski’s and helmet (thank goodness I had one!) The bus ride was really long and when we arrived I was so freaked out! We had a quick lunch before we put all our gear on and went straight out onto the snow.

My friends took me to the baby hill first and I couldn’t even use the pully seat things right and went splat on my back! When I finally got to the top of the tiny hill they showed me how to turn and stop and we went down the hill step by step until I lost control and went whizzing down the hill and somehow managed to get to the bottom in one piece. The next time I lost control and ran into a kid! I was so embarrassed and the poor kid was crying but I didn’t hurt him he was just scared. I was so ready to quit, I did not want to kill any more children!

We went up again and I actually managed to gain some controls of the ski’s this time which was good but apparently deemed me ski ready and they all piled me onto to the chairlift! I was freaked out and knew all too well as soon as I sat down on the chair the only way down was to ski! I was a bit of a wuss and it took me a second (a few hundred seconds more like it) to convince myself to even start the hill. I was scared out of my mind but once I’d fallen and realised it didn’t hurt that much and also started skiing down the hill backwards and had one of my friends ski into me to stop me I felt a little better and was a bit more brave although I am pretty sure there was tears when I started skiing backwards, it was shameful!

We eventually made it down the hill, took us like 20 minutes! We headed back up the chairlift and skied over to another slope that was a little simpler and because I was a bit more confident I managed to actually ski some of it while holding Paula’s hand. Poor Paula, the amount of times I went smash into her and dragged her down into a pile of skies and snow! If your reading this Paula, KIITOS! I am very grateful for your help, I never would have gotten to where I got to without you!

After that we went to Heseburger for lunch and it was nice to have a bit of a break. We went up to the same slope afterwards and I held Paula’s hand for the most part and then actually skied the last 80 or so metres BY MYSELF without falling! Pretty stoked, we went up again and I skied even further by myself even thought I went splat beforehand. We did a few more then decided to find a few other slopes and we ran into Ari and he took a picture of us all which I really need to get of him because it’s the only pic I have from the whole day! I managed to ski the end of that slope by myself too although I fell twice at the top.

We were back at the resort now and my friends went up again and I had a rest, when they got back Anni and Julie decided we had enough time to go for one more so we went up. In hindsight bad idea, we had to do a medium level one and it was too steep to do holding Julie's hand and after 3 tumbles we decided I should take my ski’s off and slip down on my bum for the steep part and then put them back on! Talk about embarrassing but we were running late for the bus and it was actually kind of fun! When we got into the bus I could finally take my ski boots off, they are not the most comfortable things to wear for 7 hours! We stopped in Kajanni for a little bit on the way home and everyone went on the slot machines. You can do those at 15 in Finland! It’s really strange although my friends tell me that they are looking to change it to 18. At home we all worked on our puzzle and I told them all about my day. We watched House and I fell asleep seconds after I got into bed!

I had school the next day and I had the option of not going but I did because I felt fine! I tried to translate my Chemistry book but my dictionary lacks sciency words but one word jumped out me as I was searching. Koti-ikävä, homesickness and it made me happy that I don’t have it! I miss my family but there’s a difference between homesick and missing your family. Everyone kept asking me if I missed my mum especially because I was sick and maybe if I was 12 I would have but what teenager still gets their mother to look after them when they’re sick? Come on guys! Toughen up! :P 

We had some sort of traditional soup for lunch that was very nice but was another one of the eat it and don’t ask what’s in it meals. I took my first trip to the chemist and thank goodness the Chemist spoke perfect English so he helped me find what I was looking for. He was really funny, basically told me that these two brands are exactly the same, this one just charges you 4 times the amount because it has a famous brand! Got to love honesty like that! I had to do my first rotary report that night and it wasn’t so bad, I actually enjoyed writing about all the exciting things I’d been doing! Just like I enjoy writing on my blog! 

Our puzzle! 

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