The next day we had to be up super early for breakfast and be ready to get back on the bus for the very last time. We stopped at the Train station and there were tears and hugs all over again. Its not fun having to say goodbye to some of the best friends you've ever had. Then we all had to work out our tickets, there was only business class left on the train I meant to take so it meant I took the next one which was another 5 hours later so I spent the day with Christine which was nice. We had coffee and shopped a little bit before we met back with Joao and Meli at the train station. The ride was boring we were all too exhausted to socialise. We changed in Kouvola and the carriage we were in was like a sauna, it was crazy so we just found other seats and fell asleep again. Meli and Joao got off at Kuopio and that meant I was all out of oldies, I'd said goodbye to all of them for the very last time :( The train was running about an hour late but eventually I arrived in Iisalmi and Jarmo took me home where I managed to stay up long enough to tell my family I had a nice time and then fell asleep with no intention of waking up in the next 24 hours!

Back on Finnish soil
This was at the train station.
So the Eurotour blogging is over, I thought it would never happen! A lot of people asked what was my favourite country and its hard to pick because we spent different amount of times in each one but the stand-outs were Denmark and Germany. The French Riviera was also a big highlight for me. I liked Germany because of the amazing yet terrible history. Its one of those countries where you could spend days in museums which I like and Denmark was great mostly because of the bikes and well I love theme parks!
I was most looking forward to Italy and while it was great, being horribly sick didn't help my opinion on Italy! I hope everyone enjoyed reading about what I did, there is a noticeable fall in quality in the end and I am sorry for that. I just wanted to get them all done! Be sure to leave a comment if you have been reading along and you can see more photos on my Facebook. Also credit and thanks to any one who I have taken a picture from.